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Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化

作者:剑客阿良_ALiang  发布时间:2023-11-25 01:50:24 






Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化




Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化



Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化



我的cuda是11.1的版本,按照tensorflow后还是缺少部分dll,如果有相同问题的,可以用我提供的资源包  提取码:TUAN。

缺少哪个dll,直接复制到你的NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit目录对应cuda的bin目录下。

Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化


pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.4.2 -i
pip install tf-nightly -i


Pillow, scipy, numpy, imageio安装

pip install Pillow -i
pip install scipy -i
pip install numpy -i
pip install imageio -i



Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化

我把DPED的资源包统一打包了,也可以从我的云盘下载, 放到项目的vgg_pretrained目录下。下图是资源包的目录

Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化

资源包地址  提取码:TUAN。



Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化



Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化


Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化



python model=iphone_orig test_subset=full resolution=orig use_gpu=true


(tensorflow) C:\Users\yi\PycharmProjects\DPED>python model=iphone_orig test_subset=full resolution=orig use_gpu=true
2021-11-27 23:42:57.922965: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cudart64_110.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:00.532645: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to
use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations:  AVX2
To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2021-11-27 23:43:00.535946: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library nvcuda.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:00.559967: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Found device 0 with properties:
pciBusID: 0000:01:00.0 name: GeForce GTX 1070 computeCapability: 6.1
coreClock: 1.759GHz coreCount: 15 deviceMemorySize: 8.00GiB deviceMemoryBandwidth: 238.66GiB/s
2021-11-27 23:43:00.560121: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cudart64_110.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:00.577706: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cublas64_11.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:00.577812: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cublasLt64_11.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:00.588560: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cufft64_10.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:00.591950: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library curand64_10.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:00.614412: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cusolver64_10.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:00.624267: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cusparse64_11.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:00.626309: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cudnn64_8.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:00.626481: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Adding visible gpu devices: 0
2021-11-27 23:43:01.112598: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Device interconnect StreamExecutor with strength 1 edge matrix:
2021-11-27 23:43:01.112756: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/]      0
2021-11-27 23:43:01.113098: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] 0:   N
2021-11-27 23:43:01.113463: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Created TensorFlow device (/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 6720 MB
memory) -> physical GPU (device: 0, name: GeForce GTX 1070, pci bus id: 0000:01:00.0, compute capability: 6.1)
2021-11-27 23:43:01.114296: I tensorflow/compiler/jit/] Not creating XLA devices, tf_xla_enable_xla_devices not set
WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\Users\yi\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\site-packages\tensorflow\python\compat\ disable_resource_variables (from tensorflow.p
ython.ops.variable_scope) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
non-resource variables are not supported in the long term
2021-11-27 23:43:01.478512: I tensorflow/compiler/jit/] Not creating XLA devices, tf_xla_enable_xla_devices not set
2021-11-27 23:43:01.479339: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Found device 0 with properties:
pciBusID: 0000:01:00.0 name: GeForce GTX 1070 computeCapability: 6.1
coreClock: 1.759GHz coreCount: 15 deviceMemorySize: 8.00GiB deviceMemoryBandwidth: 238.66GiB/s
2021-11-27 23:43:01.479747: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cudart64_110.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.480519: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cublas64_11.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.480927: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cublasLt64_11.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.481155: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cufft64_10.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.481568: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library curand64_10.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.481823: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cusolver64_10.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.482188: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cusparse64_11.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.482416: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cudnn64_8.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.482638: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Adding visible gpu devices: 0
2021-11-27 23:43:01.482959: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Found device 0 with properties:
pciBusID: 0000:01:00.0 name: GeForce GTX 1070 computeCapability: 6.1
coreClock: 1.759GHz coreCount: 15 deviceMemorySize: 8.00GiB deviceMemoryBandwidth: 238.66GiB/s
2021-11-27 23:43:01.483077: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cudart64_110.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.483254: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cublas64_11.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.483426: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cublasLt64_11.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.483638: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cufft64_10.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.483817: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library curand64_10.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.484052: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cusolver64_10.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.484250: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cusparse64_11.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.484433: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cudnn64_8.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:01.484662: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Adding visible gpu devices: 0
2021-11-27 23:43:01.484841: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Device interconnect StreamExecutor with strength 1 edge matrix:
2021-11-27 23:43:01.484984: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/]      0
2021-11-27 23:43:01.485152: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] 0:   N
2021-11-27 23:43:01.485395: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Created TensorFlow device (/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 6720 MB
memory) -> physical GPU (device: 0, name: GeForce GTX 1070, pci bus id: 0000:01:00.0, compute capability: 6.1)
2021-11-27 23:43:01.485565: I tensorflow/compiler/jit/] Not creating XLA devices, tf_xla_enable_xla_devices not set
2021-11-27 23:43:01.518135: I tensorflow/compiler/mlir/] None of the MLIR optimization passes are enabled (registered 0 passes)
Testing original iphone model, processing image 3.jpg
2021-11-27 23:43:01.863678: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cudnn64_8.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:02.517063: I tensorflow/core/platform/windows/] SubProcess ended with return code: 0

2021-11-27 23:43:02.632790: I tensorflow/core/platform/windows/] SubProcess ended with return code: 0

2021-11-27 23:43:03.210892: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cublas64_11.dll
2021-11-27 23:43:03.509052: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library cublasLt64_11.dll
Lossy conversion from float32 to uint8. Range [-0.06221151351928711, 1.0705437660217285]. Convert image to uint8 prior to saving to suppress this warning.
Lossy conversion from float32 to uint8. Range [-0.06221151351928711, 1.0705437660217285]. Convert image to uint8 prior to saving to suppress this warning.
Testing original iphone model, processing image 4.jpg
Lossy conversion from float32 to uint8. Range [-0.05176264047622681, 1.0500218868255615]. Convert image to uint8 prior to saving to suppress this warning.
Lossy conversion from float32 to uint8. Range [-0.05176264047622681, 1.0500218868255615]. Convert image to uint8 prior to saving to suppress this warning.
Testing original iphone model, processing image 5.jpg
Lossy conversion from float32 to uint8. Range [-0.03344374895095825, 1.0417983531951904]. Convert image to uint8 prior to saving to suppress this warning.
Lossy conversion from float32 to uint8. Range [-0.03344374895095825, 1.0417983531951904]. Convert image to uint8 prior to saving to suppress this warning.
Testing original iphone model, processing image 6.jpg
Lossy conversion from float32 to uint8. Range [-0.03614246845245361, 1.063475251197815]. Convert image to uint8 prior to saving to suppress this warning.
Lossy conversion from float32 to uint8. Range [-0.03614246845245361, 1.063475251197815]. Convert image to uint8 prior to saving to suppress this warning.



Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化


Python DPED机器学习之实现照片美化





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